Being Successful in this Course/ Assignment Calendar
"Oh, I can do that later. . ."
Procrastination, overconfidence, and math anxiety are a few reasons students do not complete their assignments in a timely manner. Next thing you know, a week has gone by with no math homework completed! Assignments are piling up and the anxiety builds! Is this how you do things? Make a plan this semester to make a change. "A failure to plan, is a plan to fail."
I recommend that you log in at least three times per week to complete your work. Follow the weekly course schedule and stay on top of your assignments. You should be planning homework time by setting aside times you can concentrate to complete at least 1.5 hours of homework for every hour in the classroom. If you run into trouble understanding the material, you need time to get help. Bring your questions to the tutor center, to class or email me. Work with a classmate or form a study group. Do not set yourself up for failure by avoiding. The problem will only get worse!
Take your quizzes from a reliable computer, preferably one with high speed or a t1 line. Complete your quizzes and homework early, well before the cut off time. If you are in the middle of a quiz at the cut off time, you risk loosing your score altogether.
I'm sure you understand that it is your responsibility to get to a computer to complete your work on time. Go to school, your local library, or a friend’s house if your computer crashes or your Internet goes down. The 10% late penalties (per day!) will be enforced on Homeworks, Projects, and Quizzes. You have options so I strongly urge you not to wait until the last minute to do your work. Stay on top of your assignments.
Time Commitment / Assignment Calendar
If you want to get the most out of the materials presented and earn the best grade you can, you should plan to spend at least 7 hours outside of class on the material! Pre-reading lecture notes, fixing & going back over notes after class, and completing homework, quizzes, and projects each week.
Weekly Course Outline.pdf Download Weekly Course Outline.pdf (Tentative Calendar - will be updated and adjusted!)
Canvas Mail
If I need to get a hold of you this semester, I'll contact you through Canvas mail. You can access this feature by clicking "Inbox" in the left-hand global navigation bar. Click the pencil icon to compose and send an email. Use the drop down arrows and icons to find your class and your teacher, because you cannot type them in (only select).
I respond to email daily, Monday through Friday and within 24 hours if sent over the weekend. ;-) Please include the course name and section number in the Subject Line (e.g., MATH 107, index #1694).