Course Syllabus

Downloadable Syllabus - Index#1694 MATH 107 12-Week Spring 19

Compliant Mat 107 syllabus (12 wk) MRodman-1.docx


Course Description:

Modern statistical methods with applications to the social and natural sciences are studied.  The course focuses on descriptive statistics, probability distributions, estimation of statistical parameters from samples, hypothesis testing, and experimental design.  It provides the necessary background for people interested in such diverse fields as psychology, sociology, computers, business, engineering, mathematics, and science.


Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Summarize univariate data descriptively and numerically, and analyze and interpret their results
  • Apply probability rules to find the probability of compound events
  • Apply the normal distribution and the Central Limit Theorem to application problems
  • Obtain estimates and construct confidence intervals for the mean and proportion of an unknown population, using sample data
  • Test an empirical hypothesis concerning the value of an unknown population mean or proportion, by comparison with a commonly held value of a parameter

BCCC Core Competencies:

  • Reason abstractly and think critically
  • Understand and interpret numerical data
  • Read with comprehension and draw conclusions based on evidence


Great newsyour textbook for this class is available for free online!
Statistics from OpenStax, ISBN 1-947172-05-0

You have several options to obtain this book:

You can use whichever formats you want. Web view is recommended -- the responsive design works seamlessly on any device.

Description of Assignments/Assessments


50% of the grade will be determined by 3 in-class, closed book tests (formula sheet provided with test).  One retake/makeup for each test will be allowed.  If you are absent on the test date, you will only get one attempt of the test.


Homework and Project

20% of the grade will be determined by homework assignments from the textbook (or handout) and a course project.  There is a penalty of 10% per day for late submissions of homework. Failure to do your homework will greatly increase the difficulty of this course.



10% of the grade will be determined by the online quiz scores.  There is a penalty of 10% per day for late submissions of quizzes.


Final Exam

20% of the grade will be determined by a scheduled departmental final exam.  There is only one attempt of the final exam.



The grading scale for MAT 107 is as follows:

  • Homework and Project: 20%
  • Quizzes: 10%        
  • Proctored Tests (3): 50%
  • Final Exam (Comprehensive): 20%


The following will apply to MAT 107    

90-100%       A

80-89%        B

70-79%        C

60-69%        D

0-59%          F


Academic, Departmental/Program and College-wide Policies:

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating Policy

Baltimore City Community College considers academic dishonesty to be a serious problem.  Any incident of cheating or fabrication is unacceptable and subject to penalty.  Each instructor will deal appropriately with each situation as it arises; he/she will then discuss the incident with the department Associate Dean.

Attendance Policy

All students are expected to attend all class sessions.  Regular attendance relates positively to student success; students who attend class regularly are more likely to earn satisfactory grades in their courses.  Tardiness or failure to attend class may seriously jeopardize your performance in this class. 

The student is responsible for the content presented and/or assigned even if class is missed because of late registration, illness, or any other factor.  (Further details are available in the BCCC Student Handbook.)


Inclement Weather Policy

Closing or delayed openings caused by inclement weather are announced for day, weekend, and evening off-campus classes on WBAL (1090 AM), WBJC (91.5 FM), WBAL (TV 11), WMAR (TV 2), WJZ (TV 13), and WBFF (for TV 45) starting at 6:00 A.M.  Announcements for evening classes start by 3:00 P.M.  Messages will also be posted on the College website at and on the information line at (410) 462-8300.



Every class at BCCC has a Canvas site.  Your instructor will use your Canvas site to post handouts and announcements and, possibly, for other course-related activities.


Class Withdrawal Policy

Students should discuss any consideration of withdrawal with the instructor prior to completing the withdrawal process.  Failure to file an ADD/DROP Form will result in F grades and a bill for the courses.  (Further details are available in the Financial Aid Office, Main Building, Room 023). NOTE:  Withdrawing from a course counts as one attempt.


Issuance of an “I” Grade or Incomplete

College policy states that the “I” grade is to be given only when the student has completed satisfactorily all but the last evaluative measure of the course, and that for reasons beyond his/her control, the student should receive the temporary grade of “I.”  The outstanding requirement(s) must be completed by the sixth week of the next semester; if not, the “I” grade will automatically be changed to an “F.”  One copy of this form should be retained by the instructor, one copy should be turned in to the Registrar’s Office with the final grades, and if desired, one copy may be duplicated for the student.  As soon as the requirements are met, the instructor’s copy should be returned to the Registrar’s Office to execute the grade change.


Special Needs/Disability Access Policy

It is the policy of Baltimore City Community College to provide reasonable accommodations for students with a documented disability.  I encourage students with documented disabilities, including non-visible disabilities such as chronic diseases, learning disabilities, head injury, attention deficit disorder, psychiatric disabilities, to notify Disability Support Services Center located in the Main Building 023, (410) 462-8585; TTY (410) 462-8584, of any special needs.  I rely on DSSC for assistance in verifying the need for accommodations and developing accommodation strategies.


Sexual Harassment Policy

Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment in which faculty, staff, and students can develop intellectually, professionally, personally, and socially free from intimidation, fear, coercion, and reprisal.  BCCC will not tolerate sexual harassment, which is a form of gender discrimination and illegal.  Sexual harassment by BCCC faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and contractors is expressly prohibited.  Students are strongly encouraged to forward all complaints of sexual harassment to the Director of Human Resources.


Academic Grievance Policy

A student who has sufficient evidence that his/her grades have not been determined in accordance with the terms set out in the instructor’s syllabus may seek resolution through the grievance process as stated in the student handbook and planner.  Most important is that in filing an academic grievance, a student must provide documentation, including all graded tests, quizzes and homework assignments and file the grievance NO LATER THAN 30 days after the end of the semester in which the class was taken. 


Student Recordings and Photographs in Classrooms

It is the policy of the BCCC Math and Engineering Department that students must have the faculty member's permission before any portion of any class session may be recorded, videoed or photographed.  The decision to grant or deny permission is entirely at the discretion of the faculty member.  In accordance with the ADA, students registered with the BCCC Disability Support Services Center who request recording of lectures will receive this accommodation.


Students Rights and Responsibilities

Every student who has chosen to attend Baltimore City Community College has the right to pursue the educational path he/she has chosen without hindrance, disruption, or interruption.  When students are admitted to the College, they accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in the College’s academic and social community.


Students are encouraged to read the BCCC Student Handbook for further information on the Conduct Policy, Disruptive Behavior Policy, and Student Computer Use Policy.


Children in the Classroom

In order to prevent disruption of the learning process and potential liabilities for the College, children are NOT permitted in classrooms, laboratories or administrative office suites or to be left unattended on College property.


Electronic Devices

Please turn off and put away all electronic devices or set to vibrate while in class.  Constant phone ringing, buzzing, texting, and web browsing is very distracting to the class and the instructor.


Departmental Test Taking Procedures


On the day of the exams all students will in order:

  • Walk into class quietly (early or on-time).
  • Turn cell phone(s) to vibrate or off.
  • Put cell phone(s) in their book bag(s). This means ALL PHONES.  No phone calls can be answered unless the student informs the teacher of a possible important, expectant call, or if job demands require it.
  • Take out a pencil or pen, if pens are allowed.
  • Take out clean scratch paper if allowed and/or necessary.
  • Take out a calculator (graphing calculator only if allowed), if allowed and/or necessary.
  • Leave book bag(s) at the FRONT of the classroom.
  • If a student has no book bag, then the cell phone and all other personal items, except ladies’ purses, will be placed on the teacher’s desk. Ladies must place purse on floor under their desk or hang on back of chair.  No purse on the desk.
  • ONLY after steps 1-8 happen will a student be given a test and allowed to sit down to work on it.
  • ONLY after the test is returned will a student retrieve their personal belongings.
  • No more than one bathroom break allowed and no longer than 10 minutes.



Please practice civility in your classroom language and behavior.


*Your instructor will inform you in writing of any additional course policies and/or procedures.

Additional BCCC policies and further information can be found in the BCCC Student Handbook.

    Course Summary:

    Date Details Due